In the age of exploration, navigators faced daunting challenges as they charted unfamiliar waters using tools like astrolabes and compasses. These historical instruments were essential for determining precise locations and navigating safely to distant shores. Fast forward to today, while the seas of commerce may not be as treacherous, businesses still encounter their own navigation challenges—particularly when it comes to managing accurate address data.

Charting Your Course with Acumatica Address Validation

Enter Acumatica Address Validation, a powerful tool designed to integrate seamlessly with your Acumatica ERP system, revolutionizing how businesses manage address data. This innovative solution leverages UPS and USPS databases in the US to verify addresses, ensuring accuracy down to the rooftop latitude and longitude. This level of precision not only reduces shipping errors but also enhances logistical efficiency, ultimately saving businesses time and money.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Comprehensive Address Cleansing: Automatically correct and standardize addresses to ensure they meet postal requirements and minimize returns.
  • Residential vs. Commercial Marking: Identify whether addresses are residential or commercial, optimizing delivery routes and logistics planning.
  • Real-time Validation: Validate addresses as you enter them into the Acumatica system.
  • Rooftop Latitude and Longitude: Advanced solutions can provide precise rooftop coordinates, enhancing location accuracy for logistics and mapping purposes.
  • Integration Capabilities: Seamlessly integrate validated address data into your existing Acumatica ERP workflows, ensuring consistency across your entire operation.
  • Scalability: Solutions are designed to handle large volumes of data efficiently, ensuring that even extensive address databases are cleansed and updated promptly.

The Costs of Inaccurate Addresses

Shipping Costs and Returns: Businesses often face increased shipping costs and return expenses when addresses are incorrect or incomplete. According to a report by Pitney Bowes, returned packages due to incorrect addresses can cost businesses an average of $13 per package in additional shipping and handling fees.
Source: Pitney Bowes

Delivery Delays and Customer Satisfaction: Address errors can lead to delayed deliveries and poor customer satisfaction. A survey by Voxware found that 69% are less likely to make future purchases with the retailer if the item they purchase isn’t delivered within two days of the promised date.
Source: Voxware

Operational Inefficiencies: Incorrect addresses can disrupt operational workflows, leading to inefficiencies in order processing, inventory management, and customer service. These inefficiencies can cumulatively impact a company’s bottom line over time.

The Solution

With Acumatica Address Validation, each address is verified in real-time as orders are entered into the system. Incorrect addresses are flagged, allowing you to make changes immediately, reducing the risk of delivery delays or returned shipments. Furthermore, the ability to distinguish between residential and commercial addresses helps optimize shipping routes, reducing transportation costs and improving delivery efficiency.

In the ever-changing seas of business, accurate address data isn’t just a detail—it’s the compass that guides your operations towards efficiency and growth. With Acumatica Address Validation, you can navigate confidently, knowing that your business addresses are accurate, verified, and ready to propel your business forward.

Watch the Video for a quick Address Validation Walkthrough

InfoSourcing Address Validation Statistics for 2024

250,000 Address API Requests in 2024
150,000 Addresses with Geo Location Updated in 2024

Address Validation Stats

Ready to Further Enhance Your Delivery Experience?

Now that your drivers have successfully reached their destinations with accurate address data, why not elevate your customer experience with our eSignature Suite? Our suite allows drivers to effortlessly capture customer signatures using iPads or mobile devices, and even facilitates remote signature captures with Air Sign for off-site deliveries.

Check out our > eSignature Suite Webinar Recording – May 29th, ’24

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Contact us today at for a quote and personalized demo, and let’s get your delivery operations optimized!